Thursday, 10 January 2013

Mastering icacls.exe in 15 mins

 icacls [path] [TABLE 1] [TABLE 2] domain\user:[TABLE 3] [TABLE 4]

icacls E:\Home Directories\%userDir%" /grant:r "MYDOMAIN\%userDir%":(OI)(CI)F
icacls Sales_Folder /grant FileAdmins:(D,WDAC)
icacls * /grant accountName:(NP)(RX) /T


/grant will grant user permissions or the add option in the GUI.
/remove will remove the user from the DACL and is equivalent to
 the remove option in the GUI.

Note: /remove:g will remove only grants for the user 
      and /remove:d will remove only denys for the user.

/deny is equivalent to the deny column in the GUI 
 and should always be used cautiously.
/setowner is a handy little command which allows you to change 
 the ownership of a file or folder to another user; 
 this is similar to the linux chown command.
/findsid which finds entries in a DACL for a specified SID or user.
/setintegritylevel is a bit out of the scope of this article 
 and may be in a future article.

/inheritance:e to enable same as a check box in the GUI.
/inheritance:d to disable and copy the permissions 
 from the parent same as the GUI.
/inheritance:r to disable and remove the 
 current permissions again same as the GUI.
This folder only
This folder, subfolders and files (OI)(CI)
This folder and subfolders (CI)
This folder and files (OI)
Subfolders and files only (OI)(CI)(NP)(IO)
Subfolders only (CI)(IO)
Files only (OI)(IO)
Simple Permissions

Full Control (F)
Modify (M)
Read & Execute (RX)
List Folder Contents (X,RD,RA,REA,RC)
Read (R)
Write (W)

Advanced Permissions

Full Control (F)
Traverse folder / execute file (X)
List folder / read data (RD)
Read attributes (RA)
Read extended attributes (REA)
Create file / write data (WD)
Create folders / append data (AD)
Write attributes (WA)
Write extended attributes (WEA)
Delete subfolders and files (DC)
Delete (D)
Read permissions (RC)
Change permissions (WDAC)
Take ownership (WO)
 /T  Traverse all subfolders to match files/directories. 
   /C  Continue on file errors (access denied)  Error messages are still displayed.
   /L  Perform the operation on a symbolic link itself, not its target.

   /Q  Quiet - supress success messages.

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